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Libu Manjakkal, MSc, PhD, MRSC


Hi everyone, welcome to my website!! I am Libu Manjakkal, currently working as a Lecturer at the Edinburgh Napier University, Scotland, UK. 

Since 2009, I have been involved in preparation of  new functional materials based on binary metal oxides, ceramics, graphene/graphite polymer composites, and conducting polymers, and their studies (structural, morphological, electrical, optical, electrochemical properties). I developed many new  high-performance electrodes (thick film/thin film technologies) for energy storage devices (supercapacitors), sensors (pH, temperature, conductivity, salinity, pressure and ammonia, etc), actuators and optoelectronic devices on rigid/flexible/stretchable substrates. For sustainable electronics, I developed new textile based supercapacitors and sensors (received grant from RAEng Circular Economy project).   

I have published  40+ journal papers, and 25+  conference papers, and contributed in more than 20  conferences, and workshops. Filed patent for sweat as an electrolyte based supercapacitor and flexible graphite composite supercapacitor (received ICURe grant from Innovative UK for checking commercial opportunity). I have extensive experience in Marie Curie projects in the roles of Early Career Researcher (PhD), Experienced Researcher (Post doc) and scientific project manager (ITN project). My research achievements have been recognized by several credible agencies and institutes. I was shortlisted for important awards such as by the European Commission for Marie Curie Awards in the “Promising Research Talent” category and “Outstanding Young Scientists Scholarship Award” from the Polish Ministry of higher education. I am a member of Royal Society of Chemistry (MRSC). 

In my website, you will find a summary of my research , teaching experience and my recent Publications, and contributions to International Conferences, as well as, information about coming events and news. 


                                                  Thank you so much for visiting my website, I am update this page frequently so please come back.!!

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